Tree hollows are priceless. They are high rise apartments and maternity wards all in one. They provide homes for hundreds of different types of wildlife including birds, gliders, microbats, possums, pythons and frogs, every day and night.
Each hollow usually takes at least 100 years to form. Yes, 100 years. They cannot be replaced in our lifetime by planting a tree. The best that we can do is to ensure, as much as possible, that the big old trees (either alive or dead) are left in place to continue their free rental service to wildlife.

In September 2013, a Galah and Southern Boobook Owl took up residence in this old gum tree.

In September 2015, there was a change of tenants with a Rainbow Lorikeet and Sulphur-crested Cockatoo moving into the same hollows in the same tree.
In areas where there are limited or no habitat trees with hollows, we can help by installing nest boxes. Nest boxes work. Wildlife will quickly find and use available hollows, including nest boxes. Have a chat to your Land for Wildlife Officer about nest boxes for your property.
These delightful photos have proven to be the most popular Land for Wildlife SEQ Facebook post so far reaching over 650,000 people. Some of our witty followers have made comments about timeshare accommodation and the need for high density living given rental prices in Brisvegas. Others have learnt about hollows and the sceptics doubted it was the same tree. The wonders of social media.
Photographs by Peter Metzdorf Land for Wildlife member Kenmore Hills, Brisbane
I love the high rise living and change of tenants! Can you please contact me regarding using these pics in a book about hollows. Thanks
I am currently building an online environmental training for a major NSW infrastructure business. I would dearly like permission to use your image of “In September 2013, a Galah and Southern Boobook Owl took up residence in this old gum tree” for a section on Sensitive Habitat
Thanks James, I have forwarded your request to the author of the images. Cheers.
Hello! I would love to use the birds using the tree as hollows images in a media story to illustrate the benefit of protecting old trees. Would it be possible to get in contact with the photographer please?
Thank you.