
All information contained within this site is protected by Copyright law and is owned by the agencies delivering the Land for Wildlife program in South East Queensland, unless another author, photographer or contributor is otherwise acknowledged, whereby they retain copyright. It is forbidden to modify, publish, transmit, transfer, sell, reproduce, display or commercially exploit this content without the express written approval of its authors. Trademarks used on this site to describe organisations and their products (including the Land for Wildlife name and logo) are trademarks of those organisations or the registered proprietors of the trademark.


While every effort has been made to ensure that information on this website is accurate, the agencies delivering the Land for Wildlife program in South East Queensland make no warranty or representation of any sort about the accuracy of the information contained in this website. It is the responsibility of the user to determine the suitability and appropriateness of the information and its specific application. The information contained in this website is produced for general information and is not intended that the information be taken as professional advice.

This website may contain references to other sites and they are provided for convenience only and should not be construed as an endorsement by the agencies delivering the Land for Wildlife program in South East Queensland.

The agencies delivering the Land for Wildlife program in South East Queensland do not accept any legal liability or responsibility for any injury, loss or damage, due to or arising out of the user’s application of, use of, reliance upon, or interpretation of the information contained in this website. The details and information contained on the website do not necessarily represent the views of the agencies delivering the Land for Wildlife program in South East Queensland.