Great news for Toowoomba landholders! Land for Wildlife is up and running in Toowoomba and all applications are welcomed.
After many years of the program being on hold, Toowoomba Regional Council (TRC) has taken up the reigns and will be delivering Land for Wildlife. The TRC Technical Officer for Conservation and Pest Management, Fiona Gray, will maintain strategic oversight while the operational delivery has been outsourced to Sandy Robertson from Fauna Bytes Ecological Services. Sandy previously worked as a LfW Officer for the Queensland Murray Darling Committee so brings with her a wealth of skills and local knowledge. She also owns a large LfW property on the eastern Darling Downs, so she walks the talk.
If you are an existing Toowoomba LfW member or wish to apply, please contact TRC on 13 18 72 or jump on the TRC website at and search for Land for Wildlife.

We are delighted that LfW Toowoomba is now part of the broader LfWSEQ program and we congratulate TRC on revitalising the scheme for their landholders. This renewal of the program in Toowoomba was in part thanks to the dedicated efforts of the Friends of Land for Wildlife Toowoomba Region (FoLFWTR) community group. Made up of LfW members and supporters, FoLFWTR has been actively working with LfW members to run workshops, plant feed trees for Glossy Black-Cockatoos and raise awareness of local conservation issues and the program. Going forward, TRC and FoLFWTR will continue to collaborate to hopefully deliver a wider suite of services and conservation projects for LfW members in Toowoomba.