This Red Cedar (RC59) is growing on the edge of The Rejects site. It was 47 inches girth in June 2010 and 53 inches in Jan 2017.
Banner: I remember planting this area in 1983 and I called it The Rejects because the Hoop Pine seedlings were rejected by the forestry department but I have found them to grow excellently.

I purchased my cleared and run-down farm many years ago with the intention of turning it into what is now called farm forestry. As a consequence the landscape has been transformed for the better. Mostly, I have planted Hoop Pine (Araucaria cunninghamii), Gympie Messmate (Eucalyptus cloeziana) and Queensland Maple (Flindersia brayleyana).

When I purchased the farm, there was still a little uncleared rainforest while most of the land was weeds and degraded pasture. Some rainforest trees have been able to pioneer back into the rainforest and the former paddocks. One of the most successful pioneers is Red Cedar.

I have created an inventory of all Red Cedars on my property – all of them are natural pioneers. I think I have found all the large ones, but recruits are always being added to my register. The inventory is both a hobby and practical farm forestry. All Red Cedars on my inventory are numbered and added to a mud map to give me a chance of finding them again. They are all measured, and some receive a little silvicultural treatment around them. I have made a concession to the modern world and have been photographing them and placing the photos online and I’m up to Red Cedar number 773 so far.

Growing Red Cedar is a bit different to other trees for several reasons, one reason is that a bent tree and a live branch grows the much-prized figured wood.
To assist with my farm forestry venture, I now own a small sawmill and saw up some of the timber I grow here. I’d like to offer any Land for Wildlife members the opportunity to saw any timber for them. Logs frequently come about because of thinning requirements, tree death, blow overs and weed species.

This Red Cedar (RC47) was first measured in Aug 1989 when it was 23 inches girth. In March 2017 it was 50 inches.
This Red Cedar (RC84) is my fastest growing Red Cedar. This photo was taken in 2009 when it was 58 inches in girth. In Dec 2019 it was 74 inches.
Red Cedar (RC575) is obviously a double leader, which is not ideal. I will cut out the poorer stem to allow the larger stem to grow faster. I’m not sure if this is one tree or two growing close together.

Land for Wildlife members frequently plant rainforest species and the wood from these is often little known but the timber is usually good and interesting. I’m also a member of the International Wood Collectors Society, which encourages an understanding of timbers from little known species.

Red Cedar (RC317) is one of my biggest and best trees. It had a 39 inch girth in 1989, 81 inches in 2014, and 84 inches in Dec 2017. It started its life as an open paddock tree, hence its sprawling lower branches, but now my plantation Hoop Pines and Queensland Maple are growing up around it. As a result, it is casting its lower big branches and is growing straighter.
The tragic end to Red Cedar (RC21). It died and was cut and sawn in April 2020. It had a 44 inch girth and brilliant red wood. It probably died of the dry, hot weather.
Red Cedar (RC75) is growing at the head of a gully and I like the way it is holding the rock with its roots. It was 38 inches in girth in June 2010 and 40 inches in Apr 2013.

With my sawmill, I can saw down to about 5 inches in diameter, length is not so important. I can either do it for free, a donation, or for an agreed price if it is a larger quantity. Feel free to email me at about my sawmill or my online photo library.

This is a photo of my daughter, her husband, their dog and me. We are standing next to Red Cedar (RC92) with RC91 behind it to the right.

Bob Whitworth
Land for Wildlife member
Cedar Pocket, Gympie

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